Banking & Finance Law - Our highly experienced attorneys provide legal advice and direction to a variety of clients including prominent regional banks and mortgage companies. The firm has participated as counsel to mortgage companies and mortgage warehouse lending companies establishing offices in multiple states throughout the United States. Robert Holston represented a major litigant in the threshold case of Mortgage Bankers Association of New Jersey v. The New Jersey Real Estate Commission, 283 N.J. Super 233 (App. Div. 1995).
This litigation ultimately established the right of realtors and real estate companies to own and operate by affiliation mortgage companies in the State of New Jersey. The firm has represented regional banks in commercial and residential loan closings involving complex debt and security instruments. The firm has represented regional banks in the closing of more than four hundred and fifty US-SBA guaranteed loans. Likewise, the firm has closed numerous EDA loans for various clients.
Holston, MacDonald, Uzdavinis, Myles & DeMarcantonio, P.A.